Pathways to success:
All students access the Australian Curriculum at the level of their current competency. When young people join Ontrack, they are assessed in Mathematics, Literacy, and Reading for Understanding. Based on these results, we collaborate with students and families to design a suitable learning pathway. This pathway may aim at regaining lost educational and social ground, enabling a student to rejoin mainstream educaiton at a future time, or it may lay out alternative ways to work towards training beyond school.
Students at Ontrack study the Australian Curriculum in Years 7 to 10. Beyond Year 10, Ontrack students can re-integrate into mainstream schooling for Years 11 and 12, or they can stay and study the following courses:
QCE – Vocational Major
The QCE Vocational Major (QCE-V) is a vocational learning program within the QCE designed to be completed over a minimum of two years. This is a non-ATAR pathway that prepares students to move into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university (via non-ATAR pathways) or directly into the workforce.
In the classroom, students study Literacy, and Numeracy as well as a Cert. II in Workplace Skills. These courses provide (6) QCE points towards the required 20 for graduation. The Duke of Edinburgh Award potentially provides a further (2) QCE points for students who are able to participate.
The remaining 12 QCE points may be accrued via any combination of
Cert.I (4) II or III (8) and School-based Apprenticeships (6) or Traineeships (8). Recognition of prior learning for previously completed VET certificates may apply. Ontrack College is NOT an RTO, this means that VET qualifications are provided through paternships with CQU and similar providers. It is important to note that parents/carers may incur financial cost to those providers in some instances.
Jordy completes a School-based Apprenticeship with a construction company and takes an additional Cert. II in Bricklaying through CQU-TAFE. Jordy may attend work on Mondays and TAFE on Wednesdays while coming to Ontrack for the rest of the school week to complete their QCE-V requirements.
Ash completes a School-based Traineeship in Hairdressing and takes on an additional Cert. I in Retail Services online. Ash may attend Ontrack every day to complete their QCE-V requirements and Cert. I, but take off Thursday afternoon to attend training at the Salon. They may work in the Salon on Saturdays.